Monday, November 12, 2012

Just one stomach virus away from my goal weight...

Who doesn't love The Devil Wears Prada.  I think even guys like that movie.  Anyways, if you haven't seen it, that's where this blog title comes from.  

So this is officially a mostly self-centered whine post.  Does that mean I'm blining?  ;)  Well, it is my bline, so whateva whateva I do what I want.

I was down for the count this weekend.  Who am I kidding, I still haven't progressed past soup and my brain is definitely not all there (see above word creation).  Some crazy stomach thing knocked me on my arse.  I've had the stomach flu before but this was different and I really don't know what it was.  The sad thing is that we had a formal event this weekend to attend (ie, military ball) and I could not go.  This was me, (except I was not supposed to be wearing Valentino, but it was a nice dress): 

I tried so hard to rally but there was just no way.  Poor hubby had to go all alone.  I guess it's not a huge deal but I felt bad about that.  And hey, I was looking forward to it too actually.  Luckily he could go with some friends of ours, but it's not the same.  He wanted to just stay home and feed me saltines but it was important for him to be there and I'm glad he went.

This is trivial as well, but I'm bummed we don't have any nice pictures to send home, because the family always loves them (there's not much more handsome than my hubby in his dress uniform) and I was going to use this awesome vintage purse our dear friend who is ill gave me.   I thought it would be so cool to show her the pictures of her purse going out on the town.  I'll have to think of some other way to use it and send pictures.  First world problems, right? 

On a more positive note, now I have a nice dress ready to go for next year!  And shoes.  And purse.

Somewhat related to not keeping food down, our dear friend was put on hospice today.  She has lost a ton of weight and her scans came back much worse.  There is basically nothing else medically that can be done for her.  It's sad news.  I wish I could be there, but it's only about 4 weeks until I go back and she promised to make it at least that long.  She really has been a trooper throughout this and her doctor said she is his idol.  That's big praise coming from someone who sees cancer patients for his job.  She is one special lady.

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