Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Oh baby! :)

Thank you to everyone for their good vibes. Everything went great today! I am so happy to report that our little Peanut is measuring perfectly at 8w3d, with a hb of 160! I am starting to feel like this is actually going to happen!

Everyone at the office was nice and I think the OB will be a great fit.  I was a bit bummed to be kept on pelvic rest & no exercise, but I'm allowed walking. I guess that's NBD, I'm so exhausted and I'm probably a little too scared to have sex anyways. The other great thing is that I haven't had any spotting for a few days now! I'm hoping this trend continues.

Thank you again for your good wishes. I am thinking of you!  :)


  1. Glad all went well! What a fabulous picture btw!! You can see the bebe so clearly. I was still having a hard time distinguishing anything on my 9 week u/s! LoL. Hope my OB's machine is better than the RE's.

    1. Yay, thank you! I didn't know there was much difference in u/s machines. So glad you're graduating to the OB! :)

  2. Great picture! So happy to hear that everything is going well!

  3. Love, love love. This! =)Dang girlie, you're still on pelvic rest, too? I completely forgot to ask my ob, and now I have to wait for them to get back to me. I'm pretty sure due to the SCH that I might be on it though. Rawr. Hope everything keeps improving and that the spotting stays away for you.

    1. Yes, PR is laaaaame. I hope your SCH goes away right quick like! Thank you for the good vibes! <3
