Tuesday, December 18, 2012


This long post basically says, I went to the ER for spotting and cramps, but am ok.

This morning I woke up around 3 am with lightning crotch. After taking another HPT i felt reassured and went back to bed. But when I got up later, I had more brown spotting. So I googled more personal stories and websites about how this is normal and felt better.

Last night I had called my PCM, and she said she would bring me in for an u/s just to check, but since I was out of town, I should just wait - unless the spotting continued, then I could go to the ER if I wanted. Because of how my insurance works, the ER was my only option to be seen, I could not get a referral to a doctor in town while out of state.

I thought, no, I don't need to go to the ER. This is normal. I'm ok. But I guess it's one thing to read that spotting and cramps are normal, and another thing to experience it yourself.

Then I called the local ER nurse to see what I should do, and she said I should come in to be monitored.

So I think, "Well, I better go" and the next thing I know I'm at the ER, getting an IV and a catheter, and completely unravelling. Luckily my Mom was with me, and I eventually calmed down.

The u/s showed a tiny sac and yolk sac! I measured 5 weeks 4 days. They didn't check my progesterone because they said they don't do that. My HCG was about 14,400, which was great!

They diagnosed me with a threatened miscarriage and sent me home to rest. No running, no sex, no picking up heavy stuff, and not to do a bunch of traveling. I'm supposed to follow up w my OB in 3-5 days, but can't do that since I won't be back until after the new year.

Then we went to Chick-Fil-a, and then to visit D. I'm so glad her son is here now, she seems happier.

So after all that, I'm just tired and worn out.

Sorry to whine so much. I partially blame the hormones, watching our friend fade away, and sleep deprivation, but I know I just need to get a grip.

The nurse was really nice and said to be positive. And there is so much to be positive about! I had a little more pink spotting tonight, but nothing red so I just hope everything keeps progressing! Grow little bambino!